if you're gonna rip my heart out, could you use a knife thats dull and rust in colour
ok! just finished my english essay.
am rocking to yellowcard now.
arnt i always ;D
so. im gonna be performing for teachers day.
yup yup
3 songs too
brazil and something stupid with the sji guitar ppl
and then it's my life with khoo-man
so emo can?
oh well.
here's avondale by yellowcard
yes. another yellowcard song! -.-
ok maybe tomorrow (:
9:49 pm
Gifts and Curses by Yellowcard
Mary belongs to the words of a song.
I try to be strong for her, try not to be wrong for her.
But she will not wait for me, anymore, anymore.
Why did I say all those things before? I was sure.
(She is the one), but I have a purpose,
(she is the one), and I have to fight this,
(she is the one), a villian I can't knock down.
I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, it's all for you.
And my worst pains are words I cannot say,
still I will always fight on for you.
Mary's alive in the bright New York sky,
the city lights shine for her, above them I cry for her.
Everything's small on the ground below, down below.
What if I fall, then where would I go, would she know?
(She is the one), all that I wanted,
(she is the one), and I will be haunted,
(she is the one), this gift is my curse for now.
I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, it's all for you.
And my worst pains are words I cannot say,
Still I will always fight on for you. Fight on for you ...
I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, its all for you
and my worst pains are words I cannot say
still I will always fight on for you. Fight on for you. Fight on for you...
8:01 pm
red powder
update update!
ok so i've just finished watching just my luck. pirated vcd. ahh
its not bad.
mcfly got such a huge plug ;D
and i wathed the myth last night.
you know, the one with jackie chan?
and with like indean people and korean people and jap people ;o
and uhh. dont watch it.
its like. how to understand??
and no. im not talking about their bad chinese
anyway, i cut my hair yesterday.
ok so now my fringe is like. short?
ok its still touching my eyebrows, but it looks short ;o
and uhh. my hair is even more red now ;o
yeah. more hair spray for me (:
and woo. yellowcard live!
i can play ocean avenue and only one now (:
and powder and october nights and empty apartment and other nice songs! wee~
6:32 pm
october nights
ok so update on what happened yesterday.
there was this fucking hacker event.
know what?
from 74% to 59%
like wtf? thats -15%
5 deaths -.-
and its like all my fault cos there was babel in gof. fury too. cc. etc.
and like. i went to fight them.
im like 7x?
using a fucking perf swift bow?
wtf was i doing lah -.-
ok so 59% right? then i died again. zz.
anyway. went s1 to train. got back to like 6x%
then died again! wtf!
and again
and now 56% -.-
started the day with 27m
now is 49m
bad day... (inside joke)
and no. this is not a joking matter ;o
5:53 pm
empty apartment
ok. i've spent me saturday afternoon watching, and listening on my new in-ear ipod earphones ;D, to yellowcard, live at the electric factory, philidalphia! wee~~
yeah baby!
its so shiok lah.
ok maybe its abit outdated, but who cares!
its a really good band live in concert. ^^
and the ear phones are great lor!
and the bad part. i died like 5 times today -.-
started with 67% xp, then became 60% xp.
now its 74% though, so wee
and now 29m tnl!
to s2!
to relic!
to 75!
to party mel!
to still be a 7x noob -.-
and uhh. no im not talking about maple ;o
8:41 pm
emo rock...?
ok so i lied.
you know how i said that that special someone wasnt gonna sing today?
well he did. -.-
and i bet you know how it sounded like.
either that or you dont wanna know ;D
and i just woke up. lol.
today has been so tiring lah.
have to wear the stupid thing the whole day.
so damn hot -.-
yeah hot.
oh and i think the sji v acsb match ended liao.
i wonder how it went ;o
maybe i'll call
mr hot tim and ask (:
7:19 pm
triPod + triTunes
ok i've just realised that most of my latest posts are really short and meaningless.
which is sad since i hate those kind of posts. too bad then x)
and uhh. i love all my long posts lor.
ego? maybe.
but then again i not that ego, compared to
michelle some people.
anyway i have another performance tomorrow.
and i've been practising real hard for it!
if you think < 24 hours is hard.
but hey, i've got the solo part settled (:
and besides, that special someone isnt singing.
so it's gotta be good right? ;D
i havent touched pt today. sad sad sad ):
but thats good right?
shows that im not addicted ;o
oh yeah. paul was
shit crap yesterday. why???
i will really be laughing my ass off if he goes home tonight.
how would i know?
its not like i know everything right?
well at least he isnt EMO FOO~
ohh and i need a haircut.
long fringe is so irritating can?
hair keeps getting into my eyes. -.-
and our dear HOL2 has been...
no lah. he just hasnt been looking at our hair.
or coming for our pe lessons.
oh and i still havent dyed my hair black
i didnt keep to my word. ):
slap me pl0x.
rah im having a hard time thinking of a title.
but then again by the time you read this i would have thought of one already.
6:41 pm
teh suck.
emo rock.
ok emo and rock shouldnt be in the same sentence x)
but then again, its snouty!
better than swiny ;o
retro foo~
11:03 pm
labor amoris`
its 15 july 2006!
yesterday was 14 july 2006!
woo man.
ok the last post was about how i was fucked.
well the concert still went on (like duh)
and it was great lor!
of course there were like so many screw ups. haha
but thats live music ;o
ok so i didnt sing and rock the house down. too bad for all u guys who went =p
but thanks for supporting. and shouting my name ><
so now its all over. guitar club takes a 3 week break. then comes the party.
of course i still get to keep the electric. hehe.
and i get a distortion pedal too ;o
wont go into detail what happened during the concert.
cos im too lazy to ahh.
the bassist was hot! D:
but jc 2 rofl
too bad nevin (:
ok so next gig, teachers day?
or shall we go on a hiatus? ><
9:15 am
got fucked today.
tomorrow concert right?
no more 23 tomorrow -.-
stupid reason.
ok lah its a valid reason.
its the stupid person.
so now i wont be singing tomorrow.
now if i was sean you'd be so happy.
but im not. see?
sry to all who were looking forward to it (yeah right)
u still get to see cjc and sji perform -.-
its a bad day.
oh how ironic.
8:07 pm
milk n cereals. ;o
several things happened today;
- woke up
- went to school with my electric + black airforce1s + concert attire + amp + school bag
- went in the 'new' car
- forgot my wallet
- sold more tickets wee~ 9 left lol
- promoted michelle (she forced me to ahh)
- had full dress rehearsal today at cjc
- sucked like crap
- didnt miss chinese -.-
- didnt even play my electric -.-
- bro paul rogers very meticulous ;o
doh. dunno what else to do lol
9:45 pm
ok so today, or should i say yesterday since its 12:23 now x), was the first performance of the taming game ;D
and there's gonna be 2 more shows tomorrow -.-
and im involved in all of them. ahahahaha.
got make up somemore leh haha.
thx nadia (:
and then next week is cj concert wee~
rmb to come hor. =p
and i was gonna blog more, but clan Retro make me lose my mood. ><
always lose in bc -.-
12:26 am
here without you
this morning was the ny food and funfair thing.
fun fun fun.
but i wont say anything about it cos i cant be bothered to ;D
sorry hor.
dont cry.
1 july x)
9:03 pm